17 Adorable Teapot Cozy Patterns for Your Home (free!)

Teapots are indispensable for any tea lover but there are so many shapes and sizes and colors to choose from, it can get overwhelming to pick one. This is where teapot cozies come in handy.

You can choose a simple, cheap design and crochet yourself a beautiful teapot cozy. Even better, you can make multiple and change them according to your mood or the occasion.

They can be a centerpiece during a lunch party. Who doesn’t love a cute and useful accessory? Not only that, but they will keep your tea hot longer which is amazing on a cold and rainy day.

They make great gifts and can be sold at craft fairs. You can make one and use up the leftover yarn you have at home.

1. Simply Sweet Teapot Cozy

Find the pattern here.

If all you want is a teapot cozy, this is the easiest and quickest pattern to follow.

It’s extremely beginner friendly and gets straight to the point.

Start now, and you might finish it by the time your tea is ready!

2. Short and Stout Teapot Cozy

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This is another great option for beginner crocheters.

I love the strap because it makes it even easier to slip on and off your teapot.

It is a great option for times you need your tea to stay hot but want to show off your beautiful teapot.

3. Ribbed Crochet Tea Cozy

Find the pattern here.

This pattern is amazing if you’re a beginner who wants to learn a few new techniques.

Not only will you learn how to crochet ribbing, but you also get to make a gorgeous pom-pom to decorate your teapot with.

It is an amazing gift to make for coworkers for Christmas and if you know anyone who absolutely loves tea.

4. Knit Look Teapot Cozy

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Have you been putting off learning to knit for the longest time?

Don’t worry, you can create the most beautiful knit-looking designs with crochet as well.

This teapot is the perfect project to get started on as you work your way up to knitting.

It’ll be done in no time!

5. Tea Keeper Teapot Cozy

Find the pattern here.

I love this pattern because it is the perfect hand-made addition to a teapot you are gifting.

You can use this pattern to create the packaging for the teapot instead of using gift wrapping paper or a bag.

It is great because it can be reused later as a cozy. Who doesn’t like an eco-friendly present?

6. Granny Teapot Cozy

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There is nothing more satisfying to crochet than granny squares.

If you’ve made any before you’d recognize this common granny square pattern.

Why not apply it to your next teapot cozy to add some excitement to your afternoon tea?

7. Rose Teapot Cozy

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Roses are some of the most beautiful flowers you could grow in a garden.

Unfortunately, they don’t last all year long.

While you wait for them to appear in spring, you can pour yourself a tasty cup of tea with your teapot covered by this wonderful rose cozy.

You can personalize this pattern and crochet more flowers to attach all over the body of the teapot.

It will look like a big bouquet and it will be the perfect accent on your dinner table.

8. Daisy Motif Teapot Cozy

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I love the colors of this teapot cozy. They match the daisy teapot concept really well.

However, any color you choose will look wonderful when you follow this crochet pattern.

I love the cute daisy applique because it creates a cheerful atmosphere in every house.

9. Joyful Teapot Cozy

Find the pattern here.

The joyful teapot cozy is the perfect Christmas decoration for this year’s celebration.

It encapsulates everything one might think of when this holiday comes up.

I love the word joy on the teapot as a positive reminder, but you could sew anything else you’d like to think of this Christmas season.

10. Bobble Teapot Cozy

Find the pattern here.

This is another good option for a Christmas teapot cozy, just change the colors to green and red.

However, it is a great everyday piece as well. I love the bobble stitch because it makes everything a lot more adorable.

It is the best present you could give to someone.

11. Lyme Regis Teapot Cozy

Find the pattern here.

If you like the previous bobble pattern, this one will also become one of your favorites.

It is an easy and beautiful pattern, great as a gift or to sell at a craft fair.

12. Hot Hibiscus Tea Cozy

Find the pattern here.

I love how colorful this pattern is.

I can imagine slipping this teapot cozy onto my teapot on a cold winter day and getting cheered up right away.

The detachable top part is a great addition to the cozy which makes me even more excited to crochet it.

13. Ripple Teapot Cozy

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If you’d like something with a lot of colors, the ripple teapot cozy is a great option for you.

I love the buttons as additional accessories, especially if you can find teapot-shaped ones, as seen in the photo.

If you’d like to make this cozy with one color only, you’ll get a beautiful and elegant decoration for dinner parties.

14. Popcorn Teapot Cozy

Find the pattern here.

If you can’t get enough of making pom-poms this should be your next project.

I love the little bobbles on this pattern because they make the cozy more interesting and cute.

15. The Frog Prince Teapot Cozy

Find the pattern here.

The story of the frog prince is one of my favorite fairy tales because of its beautiful message.

This is the perfect inspiring accessory to set the table with.

A gentle reminder that it’s what is on the inside that matters is always welcome.

16. Whoo Wants Tea? Teapot Cozy

Find the pattern here.

Owls are one of the cutest and coolest animals out there. I love the name of this pattern too.

This is a great pattern to follow if you’d like something entertaining to look at.

You can slip it on when you’re not using your teapot and set it on a shelf as decoration.

17. Fairy House Teapot Cozy

Find the original pattern here and the translation here.

This may be one of the most intricate patterns on the list.

However, you shouldn’t shy away from it even if you’re a beginner.

This teapot cozy belongs in every fantasy and tea lover’s home.